Products & Services
Prosthetic Knee Selection for Individuals with Unilateral Transfemoral Amputation
The Benefit of a Flexible AFO on Balance and Walking Ability in Persons with Late Effects of Polio
Biomechanical efficacy of shear-reducing diabetic insoles
Projected Health Care Associated Costs of Workplace-Related Traumatic Amputation
Unlimbited Wellness Telehealth for Adults with Upper- Limb Difference
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Design and Suspension Mechanism A Literature Review
A Review on Surface Electromyography-Controlled Hand Robotic Devices Used for Rehabilitation
Exploratory Investigation into Energy Expenditure Using Tuned versus Nontuned Ankle-Foot Orthoses
Transtibial Prosthetic Socket Strength The Use of ISO 10328 in the Comparison of Standard
Characteristics of Delphi Processes in Orthotics and Prosthetics Research