Products & Services
Preparing for the Worst or Hoping for the Best The State of Fall Training in Prosthesis Users (JPO0
Impact of Level of Pediatric Amputation on Selection of Prosthetic Component Options (JPO034-1B)
Clinical Resources for Assessing Mobility of People with Lower-Limb Amputation
Employment Status in Individuals with Upper-Limb Amputation A Survey of Current Trends (JPO034-2B)
Mechanically and Physiologically Optimizing Prosthetic Elevated Vacuum Systems in People
Perceived Role Responsibilities Among Physical Therapists and Orthotists (JPO035-1B)
Contralateral Limb Pain Is Prevalent, Persistent, and Impacts Quality of Life of Veterans with Unila
Fear-Avoidance Behavior among Persons with Lower-Limb Amputation - 2019 Thranhardt Winner