Products & Services
Vision Blinding of Participants in Limb Prosthetic Research Is Unnecessary (JPO032-3B)
Comparative Effectiveness of Microprocessor-Controlled and Carbon-Fiber Energy-Storing-and-Returning
The Effect of Supramalleolar Orthotic Use on Activity and Participation Skills in Children with Down
Performance of a Sensor to Monitor Socket Fit Comparison With Practitioner Clinical Assessment JPO0
Parental Perception of Cranial Orthotic Treatment for Infants with Deformational Plagiocephaly
Physical Function Outcomes in Patients with Lower-Limb Amputations Due to Trauma
Patient-Reported Efficacy of the University of California, San Francisco, Custom Pectus Carinatum Or
How Do Orthoses Impact Ease of Donning, Handwriting, Typewriting, and Transmission of Manual Torque
Mobility Analysis of AmpuTees (MAAT 6 Mobility, Satisfaction, and Quality of Life among Long-Term
A Theoretical Model of Physical Function and Mobility Apprehension in Persons with Amputation of a L
Do Upper-Limb Loss and Prosthesis Use Affect Lower-Limb Gait Dynamics? (JPO033-4B)
Carbon Fiber Two-Pull Solid Ankle-Foot Orthoses versus Serial Casting in the Treatment of Idiopathic